Here is one of the random words for this month. I probably could have pushed passed the initial image I had of the moon suspended in the sky, but I like the moon, so I went with it. Unfortunately not all the background colours come out in the picture, so it looks a little flat here.
I didn't just want the moon to be passively hanging in the air, I wanted it to have energy and movement. Have you ever seen birds effortlessly soaring in the sky, or someone doing acrobatics on a tightrope? If you ever get a close up view, you see how much work and attention is needed to look so effortless. They are constantly making minor adjustment to keep everything just so. And that's what I wanted to convey here, I realize the moon isn't constantly adjusting its muscles to keep a stable orbit around the earth, but that's why this is art. I can do what I want!
And what if the moon did have to work to stay in orbit? And what if it decided it wasn't worth the effort anymore, or it got distracted? Would it fling off into space? or plunge to earth? What would happen to the earth if there were no tides? Ok, this is getting far too deep for a Sunday morning. But who knew... all this from one innocent word!
The moon has freakish energy & movement!
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I didn't fully believe in the moon for most of my life. Yeah, sure, science, astronauts, measurements, facts; I did believe "the experts," but deep in my heart, I wasn't gonna fall for a scam like that. Obviously just a big paper plate in the sky, just far enough up there you can't see the strings, and an assortment of lights blasting up at it, or something along those lines?
A trick of the kind my mom always liked, and not even a very good one. If I didn't fall for "the bee's will sting you," I surely wasn't buying this moon bit.
Forty-some years later, Nova Scotia, one huge bay becomes a tiny trickle of water, TIDE water, and ta-da, visible MOON EVIDENCE for me and anyone who would listen. Clearly must be some giant weight up there to pull all that ocean around.
I don't know "things" about art, but your moon looks like it could have formed from giant spinning clouds of sour cream. (I love it.)
Did you ever hear those wise-acres who say there is no possible random generator that is truly random? Yeah, no fun... but their Nova Scotia will come.
I quickly found this and I like the name "watchout4snakes"
Yes, this is your mother speaking... I always wondered where did you come from. Now I know. You are from the cosmos because you are one with the universe. A number of your pieces make me think of the wonder and mystery of the galaxies.
ReplyDeleteOh cool dueling random generators!
ReplyDeleteI didn’t have troubles believing in the moon; I had troubles with the man on the moon though. I always nodded and smiled when people asked if I saw him, because it seemed expected, and they thought I was odd if I didn’t. But I had NO idea what they were talking about.
I was expecting a man... like a little stick figure. No one told me it was just his face! I was such a literal child (not much has really changed, but we won’t go there). Don’t know where I was when I figured it out, probably somewhere in Ontario, nowhere cool like Nova Scotia. I need to get out to the east coast; I still haven’t been out there.
Ummm, doesn’t everyone come from the universe? Sorry might be me being literal again.
ReplyDeleteGlad you like it Mom.