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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Save the Date! I've got Shows in Toronto!!!!

All the details aren't available for these shows yet, but I'm so excited I couldn't resist posting this.

George Brown Continuing Education - Student Show In April
The details on this show are still being worked out, but here is the overview
  • it'll be in the Continuing Education Studio/Gallery which is around the corner from the downtown St James campus
  • Wheelchair accessible is not a problem, it just requires a little coordination with the staff, since the elevator isn't in general usage. 

Don Valley Art Club Annual Spring Show - May
They haven't posted all the details on the DVAC site yet, but I'm sure they will soon I'll keep ya posted
  • It's just east of downtown at Todmorden Mills.  They are doing some construction, and their site says "partial wheelchair access" so I'll have to check out what that means. 
I've only been to one of their shows (I'm a new member), and it was great. I love shows like this... there are a million different artists and styles.... you're bound to find something you like.    

I'll let you know when the details are up.  I hope I see everyone at the shows!!! 


  1. "the elevator isn't in general useage"???

    Am I the only one hearing Music o' Doom here?

  2. I think you'll be riding freight. it has a sign on it that says it needs an operator. I'm hoping it'll be one of those cool ones with those sliding gates.

    I just have to figure out where to get in the elevator, it's not by the main entrance, but a side entrance that they tell me goes to a court yard.

    I've got class on Monday I'll investigate. (and see what appropriate music I can come up with for the Music o' Doom playlist)
